New Years Resolutions that actually work?


8% of Americans who make new year’s resolutions actually keep them all year and 80% have failed by the start of February. The same study said that most resolutions fail due to sabotage by lack of self-discipline. 

So often when we make goals we are focused on only the outcome and not the behavior modifications necessary to get there. So instead of striving for specific metrics, Brandon recommends that we look to the behaviors that will help us reach the goals.

 “I think a lot of times when we make goals, we’re so focused on the outcome without the behavior modifications to get there. So instead of hitting for specific metrics, I actually recommend we look for whether or not we. Do the behaviors to elicit those metrics and then the failure success rates shouldn’t be based on a number, but did you do the habits to get there?” – Brandon

The FireWithin Approach is based around small sustainable changes. 

Brandon shares a smarter approach to New Years resolutions and dieting that revolves around setting habit goals that are attainable:

1. A water/hydration goal
2. A sleep goal (1/3 of all weight loss happens during sleep)
3. A nutrition goal 
4. A movement goal

Once you have all those goals, so let’s say you want to eat everything you bought at Aldi, six out of seven days a week.

You want to get to bed before 11, seven days out of the week. 

And you want to exercise four days a week.

And you want to drink water up to 80 ounces or whatever your goal is. Seven days a week. 

You take all those numbers. Let’s say it adds up to 24. Yeah. By the end of the week, you then go back and say, I was compliant 22 out of those 24.

If you divide 22 by 24, you want to see higher than an 80% compliance rate. And we’re not looking for a hundred percent. But so 22 divided by 24, that would be 91. So that’s higher than an 80% compliance rate.

So you are not measuring your weight, you are measuring compliance.

If you want to maximize your chance of sustainability we recommend adding an accountability component as well.