Science and Spirit with Ronen Divon


Ronen Divon had been walking spiritual and holistic paths for well over three decades. Born in Israel, educated in New York, and currently residing in Cary, North Carolina, Ronen had traveled the world, spending time with teachers, masters, healers, and guides.

With the wisdom that spans multiple traditions, including the Far-East, India, Israel, Brazil, Peru, and Indigenous America, Ronen remains a student, learning and adding modalities that will best serve his clients; each according to their own unique needs. Ronen is a Reiki Master, a channeling healer working in mediumship, and a Yoga and Tai Chi instructor. He is also an ordained minister with the Sanctuary of the Beloved, a non-denominational church in the Order of Melchizedek. In his Plant Medicine work, Ronen is a Medicine Carrier, affiliated with the California-based Church of the Celestial Heart. Other than his work as a healer, Ronen is also a published author, a Yoga, Meditation, and Tai Chi instructor.

Ronen shares his story about learning filmmaking in New York where he ended up in a Hindu Ashram that eventually turned into a cult. 

Ronen encourages people to be open to other modalities than just western medicine, although he doesn’t discount modern medicine and is grateful for advances including COVID vaccines. 

As Ronen unpacks his experience working with Reiki.

Reiki, as a form of alternative healing, came into being in Japan in 1922. It was discovered and developed by a Buddhist named Mikao Usui. The technique itself is non-denominational; there is absolutely no religious orientation involved. While originating at the Land of the Rising Sun, Reiki spread all over the world and was adapted into a multitude of cultural traditions. To date, it is practiced by millions of people.

Ronen talks about a principle he has learned through doing different modalities that people want to heal, and sometimes people have something to gain by clinging to an old way of living. They may get sympathy, pity, empathy, etc. but identifying what you gain so you can let it go.

We have a conversation about the spiritual side of energy and how it interacts with our bodies. Ronen is a spiritualist and explains his views on the role of spirits in our lives and health.  

You can learn more about Ronen and his offering via his website